Welcome to this episode featuring Linea Aaberg, a remarkable individual and a second-year student in the three-year KAOSPILOT program. Next to being student, she runs two businesses on the side, one that focusses on facilitation and empowering female entrepreneurs. Additionally, she organizes meaningful events through her second business, and she is also known as “lineamaria” on Instagram and TikTok. Where she has build up quite a following by offering glimpses into her life.
In this episode, she shares the story of how she ended up living in a van in Portugal, and why getting outside the comfort zone is essential for your learning curve. She also shares some of her most valuable tools and methods she got introduced to through KAOSPILOT and talks about her journey at the school.
This episode is hosted by Hristo Hristov, a 3rd-year student at KAOSPILOT.