Meet Hildur Maral
Please introduce yourself
I’m Hildur! An Icelandic-Iranian Kaospilot graduate who works in the music industry.
Which team and when did you graduate?
Team 20, we graduated in 2016.
What have you been doing since you graduated as a Kaospilot?
It feels like I’ve lived many lives since then! I worked with VICE Media and Roskilde Festival in Copenhagen, ran an independent record label out of New York, got a Masters degree from Berklee College of Music in Valencia, co-Label Managed an imprint of Universal Music in London – and now am recently back in Copenhagen, working with concert promoter Smash!Bang!Pow! and enjoying tons of live shows again, finally!
What is important for you in your job?
Passion. Balance. Good working culture and communication. Autonomy. Personal and professional growth.
We spend so much of our life working that it is imperative we try to make the most of that experience in itself and enjoy the job and the people that come with it. I also find it necessary to do regular check-in’s with myself to make sure I’m still passionate and happy with my life and work, and if not, to change what needs to and can be changed.
What major learnings would you point out from your experience that have shaped you as a leader?
My leadership comes through in small everyday reflections and gestures, often internalized, and these are recurring themes:
- The collective knowledge of the room is greater than that of any individual. If you think you hold all the answers, think again.
- Asking forgiveness rather than permission. Nurturing that entrepreneurial spirit and getting things done.
- Whoever shows up is the right people, figuratively and literally.
- Not being afraid you’re being judged, assuming you always are.
- Fostering open communication and feedback culture.
What is your biggest source for inspiration right now?
I’ve been really into films as a medium for inspiration lately. Two that have stood out to me: The animated film Flugt (english: Flee) – tackles an impossibly hard and sensitive subject in such a breathtaking way, opening the viewers eyes to layers of issues, beauty, humanity. The new Nick Cave film, This Much I Know to be True, is a true testatment to the power of music and poetry.
I still think about it often and hold my projects to a higher standard after that experience
What would be an example of a learning or an experience from your time at Kaospilot that has been important to you?
One profound experience that will always stay with me – and still to this day is the most amazing project I’ve ever worked on – was leading a project with AfrikaBurn festival in the Karoo desert of South Africa. I had no idea that community building, using art and culture as a vehicle (by building a giant praying mantis with the locals) could have such a big personal and collective effect. It was one of those projects that truly enriched the lives of the people involved, a moment where seemingly everyone was in a flow state. I still think about it often and hold my projects to a higher standard after that experience. It leaves me wanting to work on projects of importance and integrity, always.
Picture from AfricaBurn
What is a piece of advice that you would like to give future Kaospilot graduates?
For me, these were among the best years of my life – so dive in fully, and enjoy!
Be open and trust that you will find your way out of the chaos, into something beautiful.
Picture from Kaospilot graduation party