The 4th semester Placement period is an opportunity for Kaospilot students to investigate a potential vocational field from the inside. This provides them with insights and clarity regarding our sense of direction, what it means to work within this field, and whether they wish to continue to explore working in this field, after the placement. Magnus choose to work with Vestas and in this interview you can read about his experience.

Which company / organisation did you work with during your placement period?

I worked with Vestas, the energy industry’s global partner on sustainable energy solutions, during what they consider the largest transformation in Vestas history. I was an external consultant in the LEAP programme; the accelerated transformation programme leading Vestas’ 5 regions (82 countries) onto ONE global operating model. As part of the Transformation Management team we drove the change and implementation through an ongoing focus on change impact, leadership engagement, tailored training and communication.

Why Vestas?

My purpose as a Kaospilot is to contribute to decrease large enterprises negative environmental footprint on our planet. During my research prior to the placement period; I discovered that the Transport & Logistics (T&L) industry in Denmark, an industry generally with quite the substantial negative impact, has the knowledge and understanding that innovation is a business imperative, while only a few “frontrunners” practice innovation. That served as the incentive for me to join an organisation to connect with and learn from that could teach me the works of highly innovative and sustainable practitioners, to later be able to support large T&L enterprises in their transformation from a low to high innovative and sustainable practice. As our task were to join an organisation; why not aim for one of the renewable energy giants?

As a Kaospilot student you can always “polish” your purpose statements, positive intentions and burning desires to contribute to transformation… but actually gaining the mandate and position to act powerfully from that foundation is a whole different journey

Who is Magnus Alexander now, compared to before his placement period?

I now experience myself landing from a great personal LEAP having discovered my sense of direction in life. I have transitioned from working as a professional dance artist, in dance studios with “ragged” comfortable clothes in organisations with a two-digit employee count – to an engineering “white-collar” desk job for an organisation with a five-digit employee count. You would think that the differences between the “ways of working” are more profound than the similarities… well, what I found was the exact opposite. If anyone would have told me that my experience as a professional dance artist would support me in effectively creating value and impact for the company having installed more wind power than anyone else; I guarantee you my eyebrows would touch my hairline. If you wonder why, hit me up at +45 42 36 21 15.

I have discovered a humble, yet impactful approach to how I can position myself to contribute in a large enterprise, which is where I believe it all starts. As a Kaospilot student you can always “polish” your purpose statements, positive intentions and burning desires to contribute to transformation… but actually gaining the mandate and position to act powerfully from that foundation is a whole different journey. My platform lies with large enterprises; where I seek to contribute to accelerate transformational progress, dissolve human “roadblocks” and build momentum for the enterprise to make drastic “leaps” towards a more positive environmental footprint on our planet.

Kaospilot alumni are everywhere and genuinely value having bright, curious and hungry change makers on-board with their projects in the real world

In what way has The Kaospilot Education (Formerly “Enterprising Leadership”) enabled you to live what you preach?

First of all; a different way of thinking and acting. Compared to the so-called “traditional” educations out there, we are not only attending classes and handing in reports of our work, but we immerse ourselves with real people, organisations and challenges focused on demonstrating substantial learning and value creation. We have a diverse curriculum with international lectures teaching us both the “hard” and “soft” skills which we apply in our practice and training as we interact with clients / collaborators / partners.

Second; we are set up with a tailored learning platform and network to prepare us for everything that is next. Kaospilot alumni are everywhere and genuinely value having bright, curious and hungry change makers on-board with their projects in the real world. Also, your team leaders and peers will not stop challenging you until you have literally levelled up in life.

And third; the creative and explorative environment for you to turn everything you have experienced, learned, failed and succeeded with in your past, into a powerful character and asset for any organisation that wishes to drive change and create results.

If you are searching for a way to make your personal LEAP,

are prepared to take full ownership of your education,

and have the determination to uncover “loopholes” for opportunities where others cannot… then I fully recommend enrolling in The Kaospilot Education (Formerly “Enterprising Leadership”). 

The only limitation is the one you set on yourself – especially in these times of unprecedented disruption.

I wish to share my gratitude with my mentor Mette Freisner Johansen and former boss Morten Ove Andersen, both Kaospilot alumni I consider colleagues and friends that made my adventure at Vestas possible.

If you have made it this far; thank you and feel free to reach out!

Stay safe and take care.

Magnus Alexander Haals.

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