Please introduce yourself

Greetings everyone! I’m Tom Løyche, from Denmark – but I’ve been living in Sweden for the past 29 years. Yeah, it has been that long! I’m the father to three grown children, and I live, with my wife, in a small house by a serene lake, outside Göteborg, in the middle of the fantastic Swedish nature.

I like to work.

As an entrepreneur, I am passionately involved in initiating and nurturing companies, more with development than maintenance.

I am the founder and, currently, CEO of Changemaker Educations, a company specialising in providing training programs, as such we are certified by the Swedish Authority for Higher Vocational Education (Myndigheten för Yrkeshögskolan).

Recently, I had the opportunity to sell this company, and my focus now revolves around what lies ahead.

So, you caught me between a rock and a hard place. or rather between a rock and a soft place. Leaving the company I built. The journey from an idea to an unstoppable force has been an incredible ride. We started from scratch and grew rapidly, morphing into an “untameable monster” within a few years. But now I’m in the way of what the company needs. Stepping down was a necessary move for the company’s focus on consolidation, building routines – areas that are not really within my interest any more.

And stepping down, leaving it all, opens up for a lot of new opportunities om my side.


Which team and when did you graduate?

Regarding my Kaospilot experience, I am an alumnus of the ONE and ONLY Team ONE. We were the true pioneers, the ones who wrapped our minds around the concept and the challenge: What the fck is a Kaospilot? I graduated in 1993, (Yeah, it has been that long) It was a time of financial survival since the school wasn’t part of the education system back then. It was a lesson learned in entrepreneurship acquired through hard work and practical experience, and it was absolutely mind-blowing. I’m sure the current education is both healthier, more solid and well-balanced in both theory and practice – but to me, back then – it was all about creating from “zero to something” – and always combined with the ‘what needed to be done’ to make this happen.

My background before the Kaospilots includes studies in mathematics and computer science at the university and painting at Art School. The Kaospilot education resonated with me as a blend of logic and creativity, which perfectly encapsulates my perspective. Even after all these years, the Kaospilot experience continues to hold great value for me.

Ever since I have been involved with teaching, learning, education and development in the Swedish educational system. And it all started back in Århus.


What have you been doing since you graduated as a Kaospilot?

Oh, oh, that is a big question, but just to give the facts, in and out of companies:

  •  I worked at Kaosmanagement, immediately after graduation.
  •  I moved to Sweden when an opportunity arose through Kaosmanagement.
  •  I worked for the Nordic Council of Ministers, promoting entrepreneurship in Nordic countries. Still not sure I solved that one!
  •  I initiated my first venture, Changemaker, based on connections and needs I identified in Sweden.
  •  With others I established Changemaker Educations, offering higher vocational training in gaming, IT, green transformation and leadership.
  •  We established Futuregames – twice named second best gaming education in the world.
  •  We expanded Futuregames to Warsaw, Poland and established Changemaker in Norway
  •  We started Bar Social, an NGO working with EU-programmes and learning exchange in the same areas
  •  Acquired Peetgården, a conference and restaurant facility up North in Sweden.
  •  We purchased Dinmati, a local food production and catering business that recycles waste-food from supermarkets.
  •  I eventually sold Changemaker Educations. It has been a huge learning process as well to put a value on your work.


Now, I’m en route to Portugal for some introspective hiking and making room for new ideas.

My next step might involve investing in tech, food, and climate start-ups with focus on sustainability to reinvent my business and because I find it to be important areas.


What is important for you in your job?

For me, people are pivotal. It’s always personal in the end, isn’t it? Everything boils down to personal connections, whether it’s colleagues or acquaintances. Genuine cooperation and collective growth. A key part of my journey has been my partner in crime for over two decades, Per “never leave your wingman” Myrén.

Work is my hobby and my life, so you need to make it worthwhile spending the time. With good people. What else are you gonna do? Go and hang out on the beach all day? I don’t think so. Work on a tan? Mmmm naaah…

In the words of Andy Warhol, “All that matters is work.”


What major learnings would you point out from your experience that have shaped you as a leader?

From my experience, I’ve learned that:

Choosing the right people to surround yourself with is essential.

Staying faithful to your vision is vital, even in the face of resistance. And resistance comes in many faces.  Never be afraid, it can only go wrong


What is your biggest source for inspiration right now?

Right now, I’m deeply inspired (and concerned) by AI’s transformative impact, particularly on learning. It keeps me engaged and motivated, despite the swirling complexities of how to manage, learn, and adapt in this new era.

I’m convinced the future of learning is already here. Generative AI has the power to revolutionise learning and development. It can help us create immersive simulations, virtual reality experiences, and interactive scenarios that make learning more engaging and impactful.

AI possesses the potential to bring about a revolutionary transformation in the area of learning and development.

However – Issues related to data privacy, algorithmic bias, and transparency must be examined and resolved.

Musk, Kurzweil and Hawkins already warned us that AI will be the end of mankind. It will not, we will manage the algorithms with social skills. There is still room for love.

With a twisted David Bowie quote: ”Don’t know where AI will take us from here, but I promise it will not be boring”


What would be an example of a learning or an experience from your time at Kaospilot that has been important to you?

Reflecting on my time at Kaospilot, one experience stands out. I was part of an Art project for Århus Festuge, and we faced financial failure. However, the Kaospilot School took responsibility, supporting us despite the serious setback. It taught me the importance of accountability and not shying away from challenges. When the school took responsibility for my personal fuck-up I understood that the school walked the talk – and I needed to take the same approach.


What is a piece of advice that you would like to give future Kaospilot graduates?

I’m not in a position to give any advice. Yeah, it’s been too long. Just spend your time well at KP; it might be the most pivotal education you receive.

It is all about work – so make it a good one.

Txt and pics Tom Løyche. Personalised by ChatGPT and MidJourney






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