Designing & Facilitating Learning Spaces – 2-Day
Explore the Kaospilot approach to transformational education design andmethodology leading to the design of two or three concept curriculumframeworks to inspire new courses or existing programs.
This two-day course is only offered as a closed course within educational institutions, wherethe participants should include multiple faculties, leadership and current & past students.Following part #1, you can choose between 2 options for part 2 depending on your needs. Allparts are designed to be taken independently and are not pre-requisites to one another
Learning Outcomes
- Cross faculty creative processes and time to explore the foundations of learning
- A greater understanding of the components of transformational education
- Introduction to team based leadership and innovation as a learning experience
- Communication and feedback skills using appreciative inquiry
- Reflection and personal development exercises
- Explore the potential for heightening soft skills/attitudes and mindset within education
- Kaospilot education design model and how to design a detailed framework and conceptfor transformational education
- An introduction to learning arches and student’s engagement through transparentlearning strategies, experiences and feed-forward
- Learn about what drives the Kaospilot students and what we can take to anchorengagement among your students
Practical Outcomes
We have helped educational institutions define, design, and deliver breakthrough programs that make a lasting impact on their students. Whether it is a curriculum design or a program design, we help you deliver programs that increase the bandwidth for creativity, innovation and engagement through action-based learning and team-based pedagogy.
Workshops & Conferences
- A framework of a curriculum that can be taken forward by your group (with KP support ifyou wish), broken down to component titles, aim, objective, knowledge, skills andattitudes, new forms of success criteria and measurement, students capacity andcompetency measurement, marketing inspiration & keywords.
- An exercise booklet for facilitators of learning spaces which contains all exercises fromthe workshop and support notes for how to execute in your own practice.
- A Toolbox of all methods shown during the workshop plus others to help hack yourcurriculum and track your personal development
Day 1
- Experiential learning – The participants will work and explore as teachers, students andpioneers
- Focus and experience alternative learning methodologies that lead to attitudinal mindsetdevelopment
- Experience the importance of reflection and soft skills/attitudes and mindset.Introduction to problem based learning or learning by doing and start developing theconcept for a new course
Day 2
- Continue the focus on education and component design.
- Explore how to design education that delivers equally on skills, knowledge and attitudes.
- Explore how to design learning experiences / journeys using the KP learning archesleading to greater transparency and engagement with students
- Work on next steps and personal commitment
Benefits to Your Institution
Start & sustain a passionate drive towards rethinking education within the current restraintsof governmental, financial and accreditation pressures. Engage both staff and students inthe co – development of learning practices and environments that will heighten the potentialfor professional development of your staff and the personal and transformational educationof your students.
An institution which is proactive and not reactive, working more effectively with 21st centurylearners and the complexity and uncertainty inherent in today’s world. Through oppening toand supporting new interpretations of your curricula, slowly develop, practice andimplement new pedagogical strategies that value our contemporary “knowledge society”rather than the “industrial age” ways of teaching.
The working definition of facilitation that we like, will focus, explore and which representshow we facilitate and utilize team based learning at the Kaospilot is supported byTomJustice and David Jamieson “… what needs to be done; who needs to be involved; design,flow, and sequence of tasks; communications patterns, effectiveness, and completeness;appropriate levels of participation and the use of resources; group energy, momentum, andcapability; the physical and psychological environment.”
Kaospilot Educational Series
As a European teacher or educational institution who is traveling to theKAOSPILOT for this program, you may be entitled to apply for Erasmus+, inparticular E+ Grants. Please go to your national agency to get more info about this.
Practical information:
Cost: € 13,500 for the 3-day version & 10,000 for the 2 days, ex. VAT
+ accomodation, travel, materials and expenses
This course is delivered as in-house only
Note: this two or three day course is only offered as a closed course within educational institutions, where the participants should include multiple faculties, leadership and current & past students.
As an EU School you may be entitled to apply for Erasmus+, in particular E+ Grants, towards the course fee. Please contact your national agency for more information.
To sign up for this masterclass or explore alternative packages, please contact
Download the free Learning Arch e:book here