New Vision Work
A 2 DAY WORKSHOP to land, share & celebrate together all work and accomplishments to date and then springboard & feed-forward to develop a shared vision and strategy for the next steps with full alignment, commitment, and direction towards it.
Program Overview
As we approach the new ‘generational’ cycle of change in education, we have never faced greater emerging intrinsic and extrinsic factors that shape the way we learn, teach, and perform. We cannot ignore the need for agile and adaptive learning, leaders, teachers, students & educational institutions.
This Agility requires a learning organisation, culture, and leadership strategy that’s capable and willing to explore, sense and adapt to the emerging systemic (external & internal) patterns, cause and effect relationships and to take their responsibility to set the direction and lead society towards the future.
A vision can set us on a trajectory and support us in the exploration of our unknown and known unknowns. It’s the CALL TO ADVENTURE to challenge, test and adapt our current practices, principles, and priorities for a bigger and longer-term purpose than any one persons or institutions.
For change to succeed, we need a strong, clear, inspirational, meaningful, and inviting vision for all leaders & stakeholders to lead from and towards
You will co-create, collaborate, shift, experiment and align around a new vision, values, and principles towards a strategic and inspirational change. And, to imagine possible futures that will help create a vision and ideas for your full learning system that will be relevant in the long term & ready to inspire future programmes, teachers & students towards systemic change!
The program delivers the 3 core disciplines for leading into the future:
– VISION WORK, ambition & commitment.
– VISION BACK CASTING for a strategic systemic change & development plan.
– Preparing for COMPLEXITY, explore cause & effect and blind spots.
The course will aim to introduce and practice these concepts and their relevance to your organizational development (internal) and its responsibility to play a leading role in the development and growth of your learners, their professions & industry, culture, and society on a local & national level (external)
The primary methods we will explore are:
Design Thinking Methods, Co-creating vison statements & ownership, Pre-jecting and creating team alliances; Drexler/Sibbet team performance model; Vision back-casting, principles & priorities, (vision, values, methods, obstacles & measurement) Dave Snowden’s Cynefin model & the leader’s framework for decision making; the 4 player leadership model, Blind spots and the Rabbit hole method, leading for Vision driven transformation & organizations styles & frameworks.
The workshop needs people who are open to explore and experiment and be inspired by new processes, mindsets, people, and perspectives to develop their role within their organization to become a better leader, follower, and collaborator towards self & systems Actualisation.
Learning Outcomes
➡️ A shared vision and strategy for the next steps which create alignment, commitment, and direction towards it.
➡️ A shared vision and strategy for the next steps which create alignment, commitment, and direction towards it.
➡️ Shared ownership for a new vision across all faculties. i.e. create a vision for the entire School and its department, that can inspire a pedagogy and speak to a capacity for innovation nationally (& internationally).
➡️ Build & unite a team, organisation, and a community of practice.
➡️ A way of working that unites and creates a future space for connection, support, creativity, problem solving and growth in confidence & courage!
➡️ Set a common language, core values and a mission platform for the Vision and its projects & micro experiments.
➡️ Explore Internal & External Readiness and obstacles & the New Skills, roles and Mindsets required to sustain momentum, creativity, and progress.
➡️ Design a strategy, timeline for execution & transformation plan (next steps on 3 levels, leadership, learning & organisational development)
➡️ Highlight primary & Secondary objectives, and a step-by-step systemic strategy for learning, leadership, and organisational development.
Shared ownership for a new vision across all faculties. i.e. create a vision for the entire School and its department, that can inspire a pedagogy and speak to a capacity for innovation nationally (& internationally).
➡️ Build & unite a team, organisation, and a community of practice.
➡️ A way of working that unites and creates a future space for connection, support, creativity, problem solving and growth in confidence & courage!
➡️ Set a common language, core values and a mission platform for the Vision and its projects & micro experiments.
➡️ Explore Internal & External Readiness and obstacles & the New Skills, roles and Mindsets required to sustain momentum, creativity, and progress.
➡️ Design a strategy, timeline for execution & transformation plan (next steps on 3 levels, leadership, learning & organisational development)
➡️ Highlight primary & Secondary objectives, and a step-by-step systemic strategy for learning, leadership, and organisational development.
Is This for Us?
YES! if you are a Dean, Rector or Faculty director who wishes to unite and explore laterally, the potential in cross faculty/disciplinary collaboration to create an aligned NEW VISION to breed new excitement, energy and new commitment for what your institution collectively stands for, and to clarify its intent, ambition and role for systemic change in your industry, region & Country.
YES! If your institution or department wants to lead by example and create a vison that should inspire all your collective work, across faculties, department, disciplines and subjects.
YES! if you want a shared vision that can support a bigger, more holistic purpose, a sense of direction, dialogue and decision making throughout the organisation for challenges and opportunities within financing; state control, policy, assessment, change; staff & student engagement, growth & retention, industry, social and environmental pressures; pressure on administration and the GROWTH of IMPACT!
“Simon came and worked with the management team and all faculty directors of the school, on developing our vision and ideology for our school-wide future-proof educational programme. We shared and explored what internal & external developments in the industry and the education are happening and how do we respond to those? This set the foundation and mood for the days and in fact, the entire project.”
Raimund Bellinghausen– Program Director Steinbeis SM
”KaosPilot methods are such an appropriate way to nurture visions and to gain more tools to get hands on with it.
Simon also shared his observations on who we are as a team and how we can proceed in becoming this significant school that we do believe in. I think we made a major step in really working together on formulating an inspiring, open vision, mission and loads of practical questions to guide us
Jan Zoet Algemeen directeur Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
“I was one of the participants from the ATD, when we worked towards our new vision & mission statement under Simon’ guidance, in Amsterdam. ”If we trust that art matters, If we can learn from everyone, If we think artists contribute to shape the world, How will we act?” I still get goosebumps when I read it, and the process towards it is one of the magical moments I cherish as a Faculty Director.”
Barbara Van Lindt managing Director DasArts
The unique Kaospilot methodology and pedagogical approach is built around a rigorous training platform that dynamically combines practice, reflection, and theory. You will be applying tools and theory, which you also will be learning through practical exercises and application. Our approach enables you to acquire different mindsets for you to apply in your work, including experimentation, exploration, and taking initiative.
You will have the opportunity to create your own internal innovation process & method for working with and navigating change.
Practical Information
Costs: €12,500 for the 2 days ex. VAT + accommodation, travel. Materials & expenses. + cost for external location, off the grounds of the institution. Highly recommended.
This course is delivered as in-house only
Note: This course is only offered as a closed course within educational institutions, organizations or companies*, where the participants should include multiple faculties, departments, manager & leaders. Or, at the kaospilot school in Aarhus.
* there is a 50% price increase for for-profit organisations.
As an EU school you may be entitled to apply for Erasmus+, in particular E+ Grants, towards the course fee. Please contact your national agency for more information.
To sign up for this masterclass or explore alternative packages, please contact