Academic Research About Us
Christensen, P. R., and Kirketerp, A. (2006). Entrepreneurial Action in Shaping Education for Entrepreneurship: The Case of the KaosPilots International. NCGE Working Paper. 052/2006
Deichmann-Sørensen, T. (1997). KaosPiloterne i Tidens Tendenser, Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet Oslo, can be bought at AKADEMINA, Møllergt. 17, 0179 Oslo, Norway.
Kirketerp, A. L. (2010). Pedagogy and Didactics in Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education from an Enterprising Perspective. PhD thesis at IDEA, Syddansk Universitets forlag (in Danish).
Kirketerp, A. L. (2011). Enterprising didactics – Skub metoden. In A. L. Kirketerp and L. Greve (Eds.), Entreprenørskabsundervisning. Aarhus: Aarhus universitetsforlag.
Krull, P. (2013). The Contribution of Design Thinking to the Value Creation of Social Enterprises. Aarhus: Aarhus University (in Danish).
Krull, P., and Broberg, T. (2010). Where Creativity and Innovation Go to School: A Case Study of the KaosPilot School of Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship. Journal of Corporate Citizenship (JCC), autumn: 57–86.
Mueller, S. (2012) The Mature Learner: Understanding Entrepreneurial Learning Processes of University Students from a Social Constructivist Perspective. PhD thesis, Robert Gordon University.
Assessments and Evaluations
Danish Evaluation Centre (1998). Kaospilotuddannelsen. EVA. Can be downloaded from their website.
Danish Evaluation Centre (2000). En foreløbig evaluering af Kaospilotuddannelsen. EVA. Can be downloaded from their website.
Danish Evaluation Centre (2002). EVA’s vurdering af uddannelses opfølgning, EVA. Can be downloaded from their website.
Danish Evaluation Centre (2004). Vurdering af fagligt indhold og niveau, EVA. Can be downloaded from their website.
Danish Evaluation Centre (2014). Ækvivalensvurdering af Kaospiloterne, EVA. 2014. Can be downloaded from their website.
Own Publications
Elbæk, U. (1998). Kaospilot. En personlig beretning om en skole, en uddannelse og et miljø. Forlaget Klim.
Elbæk, U., (ed.) (2003). KaosPilot A-Z. KaosCommunication.
Elbæk, U. (2004). The KaosPilots. Where Creativity & Innovation go to School. KaosCommunication.
Elbæk, U. (2010). Ledelse på kanten. Gyldendahl.