Press Release


Kaospilot appoints new Principal


Ulla Grøn is the new Principal for Kaospilot, and she will assume the position on March 1, 2024.

Kaospilot are happy to welcome Ulla Grøn as the new principal. She follows Christer Vindeløv-Lidzélius, who was at the post for 17 years.


“The world needs leaders who can dream, believe in, and create sustainable changes where people, society, and business are in good balance. Kaospilot can do this  – and I look forward to being part of the next chapter of the journey,” says Ulla Grøn.


Ulla comes with a broad experience and a large global network from 11 years at Grundfos, where she was first responsible for leadership development, then for Culture & Leadership, and for the past three years she has been Global Head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I). Ulla has also previously worked with innovation and organizational development at the Central Jutland Region, and served as the principal of what is today known as the Kalø Folk High School.

Ulla looks forward to setting both experience and network into play at Kaospilots premises in Filmbyen, where 100 students from all over Europe go about their daily lives. In addition to the 3-year education, Kaospilot offers several masterclasses, for instance in Japan, Spain, and Brazil.

The new principal is not entirely new to Kaospilot. For a period of five years, Ulla Grøn served as an examiner at the school, and therefore she knows about unique culture and teaching philosophy that Kaospilot is known for.


“To me, Kaospilot is a living school that educates and provides further education for leaders and change agents, and strengthens entrepreneurship. I have been an examiner at the school for a number of years and have met many skilled and visionary students – and it has been a great pleasure over the years to see several of their projects come to fruition, and also to meet them later as leaders or consultants in both public and private organisations,” says Ulla Grøn.


Regarding the appointment, the employee representative on the Kaospilot board, Jesper Kjeldsen, says: “We are incredibly pleased to welcome Ulla Grøn as our new Principal. Kaospilot is a special place for many people, with a large international network and strong values. But we are also an ambitious educational institution that wants to develop and challenge the traditional way of thinking about education. We need someone who can maintain the history and values and who shares the ambition to develop Kaospilot both as a school and as an organization that has regenerative leadership in focus. We are convinced that Ulla Grøn is the right person to take on this responsibility!”


“Not the best school in the world, but the best school for the world.” – this is the mantra of Kaospilot, founded in 1991 by Uffe Elbæk. Now, Kaospilot has recruited Ulla Grøn from Grundfos to carry on this mantra.



For further information, contact the communications manager: Jesper Kjeldsen, 31905884 /




Name: Ulla Grøn

New position: Principal of Kaospilot

Start date: March 1, 2024

Previous position: Global Head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) at Grundfos


Info: Kaospilot is a progressive educational institution based in Aarhus, Denmark, established in 1991 by Uffe Elbæk. The school is known for its innovative approach to learning and leadership, designed to shape the leaders, entrepreneurs, and change agents of the future. Through practical experience and a creative learning environment, Kaospilot challenges traditional educational methods and equips its students with the skills required to navigate complex and changing societal landscapes.

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